Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Friendships and new interests

I think that my 'friend' (Mingo) has returned to her original, amazing self. I have missed her very much these past few months. Tessa believes that she just might be one of those girls that needs to be in a relationship to feel worthwhile. I tend to agree with Tessa on most things, and unsurprisingly, I agree with her on this. Mingo and I went for a run this morning and I was able to talk to her and enjoy her company... finally! Our AM run was not a competition, like it has been these past few weeks. Now I actually enjoy our workouts, and don't just do them reluctantly.

Anyways, I went on a date yesterday for the first time in awhile, and at the end of the night I had some mixed emotions. First, a recap. We went out to dinner, and the conversation was quite relaxed and easy. Then we went to see The Hangover; funny, but stupid. At the end of the night, he walked me to my door, and I think he wanted to take the plunge and kiss me, but that didn't happen. So we just said "good night." I feel that the date went smoothly, and I had a nice time, but I am actually disappointed that he didn't take that step and give me a good night kiss. This then leads me to think that I fucked up somewhere and now he is not interested. I know I am over analyzing (shocking, no?). I guess I just need to let it be what it is, and see where it ends up.

Good news, I had no desire to purge after going out to dinner. Usually when I eat out, I have a strong need to remove the 'excess calories' from my body so I either take a lax (or 3) or have the next day be a "detox day." Could it be, I have met a guy who makes me feel better about myself... ????

1 comment:

  1. Try, try, try not to overanalyze this! I've known this guy for 10 years, and he was in my class for two semesters. He is one of the sweetest and most awkward individuals on the planet! On top of that, you know who his last relationship was with, so I but you can understand, based on that, why he's trying t not move too fast.

    I am really glad and excited to hear that you're moving in the right direction with Mia, or at least that's how it sounds. I love you; in her own, strange way, Mingo loves you; and this guy really likes you. Take it slow and easy and HAVE FUN WITH IT!

    I'm really happy for you, Rinoa!
