Monday, July 13, 2009

What you want and what you need

I took a spinning class yesterday with my favorite instructor. He constantly asks rhetorical questions, which is something I enjoy. Anyways, he asked one question that really stuck with me: What do you need out of your ride and what do you want? Are they the same, or does what you need not necessarily coincide with what you want? I am now redirecting that question with my life. What do I need out of life, and what do I want? Are they the same? As a reflected, I realized that in some way they are the same. I need challenges in my life; the kinds that test your willpower and push you farther then you know you could go. Challenges that make you question your strength and only through teeth-gritting determination you overcome and persevere. It seems crazy that I want life to be more of a roller coaster than a scenic stroll. But I have come to realize that success without failure is instant gratification. It’s easy. Where are the risks, the battles, the scars? Life was not meant to be easy. Period. Now the second part of the question, what do you want? I want to be successful. I want to be happy. I want perfection. Big question, does perfection = happiness? Or does perfection = success? Yes, I know that nobody is perfect, but what about personal perfection? Is there such a thing? I am going to go think some more.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post. Something to consider maybe: what is the definition of 'need'? Some might say a 'need' is something that without which you will die in a very short period of time. Following this logic, all you 'need' is oxygen, water, food, and something to keep you from freezing to death in the winter.

    It also would mean that everything else is a want.

    Just something to think about.
